Refinery integration, scale-up and certification for aviation and marine biofuels production.

Unlocking the potential of biofuels for aviation and marine in Europe and beyond
Advanced biofuels have the potential to save several gigatons of CO2 emission per year. However their development is hampered by several factors: a complex feedstock to be processed, the massive investments needed for each new refinery unit, the lack of certification for market adoption and social acceptance of the biofuel production itself. The REFOLUTION has a designed strategy to tackle these limitations.
The project consists in
Novel technologies for production of biofuels for aviation and marine sectors,
Paving the way for standardization and certification
Implementation in existing industry infrastructures, decreasing CAPEX and OPEX
Bringing new knowledge de-risking the technology

Advancing Industrial Capacity for Drop-In Advanced Biofuels: Key Strategies and Outlook
Refolution is pleased to announce a forthcoming webinar titled “Development of Outlook for the Necessary Means to Build Industrial Capacity for Drop-In Advanced Biofuels,” which

REFOLUTION Project Meeting (M24)
On November 28-29 2024 the REFOLUTION consortium held a two-day meeting in Worms, Germany, to assess the substantial progress achieved in the first two years

Fueling change: the importance of citizen involvement in the discussion on biofuels
On November 8, 2024, the first webinar of the Refolution project was organized in collaboration with Etip Bioenergy and Bio4Fuels Centre, the latter presented by

CINEA – Cluster event for HE Cluster Meeting for Aviation/Maritime Fuels and Biomethane Projects
The REFOLUTION project on 15 October 2024 was hosted in Brussels by CINEA (European Executive Agency for Climate, Infrastructure and Environment) for a cluster meeting,